Calibration is performed using a Helmholtz coil, which is adjusted with a reference magnetometer before each calibration. The chamber is then used as a transfer standard for the instrument being calibrated. The calibrated range is 0.0° – 360.0°. This calibration is traceable, and our best uncertainty is 0.9°.
We perform frequency calibration of ADCPs in a bath with a hydrophone and a reference signal generator. The calibrated range for this accredited calibration is 38.322 kHz – 1231.257 kHz.
Our temperature calibration is performed in a controlled bath at 0°C, 10°C, 20°C, and 30°C points, comparing with our temperature standard.
Conductivity calibration is performed in a temperature-controlled bath with seawater at 35 PSU and temperatures between 0 and 30°C. The calibration is traceable, and our best uncertainty is 0.005 mS/cm.
This accredited calibration is performed using a dead weight tester and a pressure standard between 10% and 90% of the full-scale depth of the instrument being calibrated.
This traceable calibration is performed on an angular table with an uncertainty of 0.05° and on a vertical linear table with an uncertainty of 0.02m.
Our traceable sound speed calibration is performed in a controlled bath with distilled water. The calibrated range is 1470 m/s - 1510 m/s.
Our accredited tilt calibration is performed on a sine table. The calibrated range is -19.88° to +19.88°