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Teledyne RDI

Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs)

Workhorse Proteus ADCP

The Proteus is the evolution of Teledyne RD Instruments' original Workhorse ADCP, which revolutionized physical oceanography, ocean engineering, and riverine hydrology with its Doppler acoustic technique. Teledyne RD Instruments' Workhorse Proteus collects current and wave data, while also measuring flow, transport, and discharge in oceans, estuaries, and rivers. Proteus enables a new understanding of waves, turbulence, and the transforming currents below the surface.

Ocean Surveyor ADCP

Teledyne RDI leads the offshore oil sector with field-proven instruments designed to support exploration drilling, field development, and production. The Ocean Observer delivers the widest range of profiling capabilities available, combined with the proven reliability of Teledyne RDI products. Available in 38, 75, and 150 kHz.

Pinnacle ADCP

Building on the 20-year success of the industry-standard Long Ranger ADCP, the Pinnacle ADCP 45 takes technology and capabilities to new heights for both research and operational applications. Rated for depths up to 2000 m, the 45 kHz Pinnacle ADCP with Phased Array technology delivers a current profiling range of 1000 m. It features reduced size and weight, a revolutionary and interchangeable configuration, and a long list of impressive new features and product enhancements.

Sentinel V ADCP

The Sentinel V ADCP offers the perfect balance of capability and flexibility, combined with ruggedness and reliability. With its integrated Wi-Fi interface (no additional software required for installation or maintenance!), the Sentinel V ensures an incredibly intuitive and comprehensive setup process, enabling reliable deployment. From there, any application becomes feasible: autonomous or real-time, mounted on fixed structures or vessels, upward- or downward-looking, measuring mean currents, waves, or turbulence.

Sentinel V Waves Array

The Waves Array of Teledyne RD Instruments' Sentinel V combines the robust and proven WavesMon processing with the new 5-beam Sentinel V ADCP, delivering the highest quality standards in wave and current profiling available on the market today.

Workhorse II Sentinel ADCP

Thousands of Workhorse Sentinel ADCP™ units are monitoring currents around the globe. Our customers choose the Workhorse Sentinel for its unmatched accuracy in shallow waters, its 175-meter monitoring range, and its unparalleled low power consumption for long-term deployments. Available in 300, 600, and 1200 kHz frequencies.


The most popular direct-read ADCP from Teledyne RDI. The unit is typically mounted on a bottom frame placed on the seafloor or on a buoy with a direct coastal connection for real-time monitoring of coastal currents. Available in 300, 600, and 1200 kHz frequencies.

Workhorse II Mariner ADCP

Researchers and commercial surveyors working in coastal waters have seen the results of our Sentinel V ADCP and requested a version specifically designed to model current profiles from coastal hydrographic research vessels. The result – the Mariner ADCP. Available in 300, 600, and 1200 kHz frequencies.

Workhorse Long Ranger ADCP

The 75 kHz Long Ranger is the Teledyne RDI instrument based on the Sentinel platform, specifically designed for long-range (up to 600m) and long-duration (up to six months) autonomous deployments. Teledyne RDI's broadband technology ensures data reliability, providing the peace of mind you need for long-term deep-water data collection programs.

4H Jena Engineering

Carbon Sensors and Continuous Flow Analyzers

The Marine Technology division of 4H Jena Engineering has been developing, designing, and distributing measurement instruments and complete systems for water analysis for over 20 years. In addition to the configurable products in it’s portfolio, the company also offers the development of customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client.


The CONTROS HydroC CH₄ sensor is a subsea methane sensor for real-time in situ measurements of the partial pressure of CH₄ (p CH₄).

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The CONTROS HydroC CO₂ sensor is a unique and versatile solution for subsea measurements of dissolved CO₂. The CONTROS HydroC CO₂ is designed to be used on different platforms and follow various deployment schemes. Examples include mobile platform installations such as ROV/AUVs, long-term moorings, buoys, and profiling with rosettes.

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The CONTROS HydroC CH₄ FT is a methane partial pressure sensor designed for continuous flow in stationary systems with pumping or mobile systems (e.g., FerryBox). Application fields include climate studies, methane hydrate studies, limnology, freshwater monitoring, and aquaculture/fish farming.

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The CONTROS HydroFIA TA is a continuous flow system for the determination of total alkalinity in seawater. It can be used for continuous monitoring in surface waters or for discrete sampling. The autonomous TA analyzer can be easily integrated into existing automated systems, such as measurement systems on Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS) or FerryBoxes.

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The CONTROS HydroC CO₂ FT is a carbon dioxide partial pressure sensor for water, designed for mobile platforms (FerryBox) and laboratory use. Application fields include ocean acidification, climate studies, gas exchanges between the atmosphere and ocean, limnology, freshwater monitoring, aquaculture/fish farming, and carbon capture and storage studies.

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The 4H Jena Engineering FerryBox continuous flow water analyzer is a low-maintenance, autonomous measurement system specifically designed for permanent installation on ships, measurement platforms, and river monitoring stations. The system allows for the connection of a wide variety of sensors and water analysis devices. An integrated self-cleaning system minimizes maintenance.

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Pocket FerryBox

The 4H Jena PocketFerryBox is designed for high-precision measurements of multiple water parameters and constituents. With a compact and customized design in a portable case, it opens new perspectives for monitoring tasks. It's applications range from stationary monitoring to position-controlled operations aboard small vessels. The reduced size and lightweight design make this mobile system easy to transport to the measurement area. It is designed for autonomous environmental monitoring and can be powered by either an electrical unit or battery.

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Falmouth Scientific Instruments

Sensores marinhos, Sistemas e Transdutores


A Falmouth Scientific, Inc. (FSI) oferece soluções inovadoras e confiáveis de sensores e levantamentos para aplicações em ambientes de água salgada e doce. No coração da FSI estão a engenharia de sistemas e design inovadores, operações internas de montagem e produção, além de instalações para testes elétricos, acústicos, ambientais e de sistemas.


ACM PLUS Medidores de corrente acústica de alta precisão com velocidade e direção atuais médias de vetor ACM-PLUS - medições de velocidade pontual 2D ou 3D selecionáveis ​​pelo usuário com correção interna de bússola e inclinação para recursos avançados de água profunda (ACM-PLUS-7000) ou superficial (ACM-PLUS-200): Memória interna estendida (2 gigabytes) Rápida amostragem de dados até 10 Hz Download rápido de dados Relógio de alta precisão em tempo real


ACM Wave PLUS Características: Dados de onda de alta precisão gerados com amostragem rápida (1 a 5 Hz) e um sensor de pressão de precisão (+ / -0,01% FS), saída de dados de médias ou dados instantâneos, bateria e memória internas fornecem capacidade longo de utilização, medição de 3 eixos de velocidade para o cálculo direcional da onda, operação de até 23 metros de profundidade., módulo CTD opcional para salinidade/velocidade de som/densidade, entradas opcionais para sensores de qualidade da água podem fornecer dados ambientais adicionais.

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Inertial Labs

Motion Sensors

Founded in 2001, Inertial Labs is a leader in positioning and orientation technologies for commercial, industrial, aerospace, and defense applications. Inertial Labs provides compact, high-performance, and affordable miniature orientation sensors, motion reference units (MRU), attitude and heading reference systems (AHRS), and GPS-aided inertial navigation systems (INS). Inertial Labs serves the entire sector of inertial technologies and solutions, offering support for land, air, and sea applications.

Subsea Motion Reference Unit (MRU)

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) can rely on the navigation solutions provided by Inertial Labs. The underwater MRU sensors enable the automation of commercial applications for underwater scanning and surveying, as well as environmental inspection processes, making offshore operations increasingly cost-effective.

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Motion Reference Unit (MRU)

Inertial Labs has developed Motion Reference Units (MRUs) to meet the requirements of marine and hydrographic applications. The MRU is a high-performance, sealed (IP-67) motion sensor that determines Pitch & Roll, Heave, Sway, Surge, Accelerations, Angular Rates, Heading, Speed, and Position for any device it is mounted on.

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Wave Sensor

The Wave Sensor (WS) products are advanced, high-performance sensors for measuring Waves. They determine Significant Wave Height, Maximum Wave Height, Wave Period, Wave Direction, Wave Energy, Directional Wave, Fourier Coefficients, Mean Dispersion Angle, Heading, Pitch, Angular Rates, Accelerations, Magnetometer Data, Temperature, Heave, Heave Velocity, and Position for any device they are installed on.

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Inertial Navigation System (INS)

The fully integrated INS-P includes an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) that combines MEMS Accelerometers, along with a GNSS receiver compatible with all constellations (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, QZSS, BEIDOU, and NAVIC) and multiple bands. It determines horizontal and vertical positions, speed, and absolute orientation (heading, pitch, and roll) of any device it is mounted on. Horizontal and vertical positions, speed, and orientation are determined with high precision in both static and dynamic applications.

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The Inertial Labs AHRS-II-P utilizes a tactical-grade Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) with 3-axis accelerometers and high-precision gyroscopes, along with an ultra-precise and gyroscope-compensated Fluxgate compass, to provide accurate measurements of Heading/Yaw, Pitch, and Roll of the evaluated device. The integration of the gyroscope outputs enables real-time and high-frequency measurements of the device's rotation around the three rotational axes. The Fluxgate accelerometers and magnetometers measure the absolute Pitch, Roll, and Magnetic Azimuth during the initial AHRS alignment and provide continuous corrections to the gyroscopes during operation.

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Designed for partners and resellers in the remote sensing industry, the Remote Sensing Payload Instrument, or RESEPI™, is a combined GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation System with Dual Antenna, data logger, LiDAR, camera, and communication system. It allows for real-time and post-processed point cloud solutions. The processing platform includes a Wi-Fi interface, an embedded cellular modem to support RTCM corrections, data logging software, and gigabit ethernet. The RESEPI™ can be used with commercially available LiDARs, such as Velodyne, Quanergy, Ouster, RIEGL, LIVOX, and Hesai. The device was developed with the purpose of enabling brand customization (white label).

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The fully integrated INS-FI contains an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) that combines Fiber Optic Gyroscopes and MEMS Accelerometers, as well as a GNSS receiver compatible with all constellations (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, QZSS, BEIDOU, and NAVIC) and multiple bands. It determines horizontal and vertical positions, velocity, and absolute orientation (heading, pitch, and roll) of any device to which it is mounted. Horizontal and vertical positions, velocity, and orientation are determined with high precision, both in static and dynamic applications.

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inertial measurment unit

The Inertial Labs Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU-P) is an advanced, compact, autonomous, industrial-grade and tactical-level system based on MEMS sensors. It is a fixed inertial measurement system and a digital tilt sensor that measures linear accelerations, angular rates, Pitch and Roll with high-precision MEMS accelerometers and tactical-grade MEMS gyroscopes. The angular rates and accelerations are determined with high precision, both for static and dynamic applications. The Inertial Labs IMU-P represents a revolutionary advancement, offering a fully integrated inertial solution that combines the latest MEMS sensor technology.

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